12 Money Habits Of Wealthy People That Will Make You Rich

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money habits wealthy people follow

Not every wealthy person gets wealth through the help of a large inheritance or trust fund. Some successful people actually worked relentlessly from the ground up to immense wealth. They didn’t need any financial backing or have to come from a well-off background. You too can write this same story—attaining financial success from scratch.

However, you must first learn to master the money habits of the wealthy. These habits are basic practices that anyone can adopt if they want to be financially successful.

In this blog post, we will carefully examine the specific things that wealthy people habitually do to stay on top of their financial game. But more importantly, it’s not just a question of “WHAT”. You should also be interested in the “HOW”—the process. Hence, you won’t only be acquainted with the money habits of the wealthy, but also HOW these habits can directly impact your finances.


How Do Money Habits Of Wealthy People Impact Your Finances?

The money habits of wealthy people impact your finances by first liberating your mindset from mediocre thinking. Once you build the right mindset, you’ll automatically start taking the right steps to change your finances for the better.

You must understand that habits shape the way we think, and the way we think will then determine our lifestyle and how we do things. So when you practice the money habits wealthy people follow, you begin to think like them. Over time, you start taking major actions like them to skyrocket your finances.


Importance Of Emulating Money Habits Of Wealthy People

Financial freedom is attained when you develop the right money habits and stick to them. There’s no magical method or a secret formula to this. It’s so simple. If you must be financially successful, then you should be driven by the ideal practices and beliefs surrounding money.

For instance, saving money consistently is one of the common financial habits wealthy people have. Now without saving, it’s impossible to reach all your big goals such as having a successful retirement, living in your own home, and living debt-free.

Besides, when you attain financial freedom, you stop worrying about money. Late fees, debt payments, or other common financial issues would all be left in the past. You get to enjoy a more peaceful life without anxiety or the fear of becoming d##d broke overnight.

Everyone wants enough money in their checking accounts. Everyone wants to retire early and live their dreams. While it’s ok to desire these things, you must work your way up with the money habits of the wealthy.

money habits of the wealthy


12 Money Habits Of Wealthy People That Will Make You Rich

Aiming to become wealthy is not far-fetched when you know the right buttons to push. Here are the money habits of the wealthy that should become a part of you soon:


1. Avoiding Debt

Avoiding debt is a good habit to have even though it might seem like a very normal thing to do, given your current financial situation. Apart from house mortgages, it is important to make it a goal to minimize and pay off any debt. You can’t build wealth if you keep wasting money paying interest on consumer credit, such as credit cards and even car loans.

Paying your credit card bills in full each month should be a top priority because most credit cards have high-interest rates while you carry debt. In a nutshell, stay away from retail credit cards and only charge what you know you can pay back.

Besides, if you need help to prevent debt, check out this post where several practical steps for preventing debt have been discussed.


2. Creating A Budget

One of the fundamental steps to gaining control of your finances and building wealth is to create a budget.

Creating and sticking to a budget every month is a common practice for wealthy people. This is because they need to be certain how they spend and manage their income.

It’s easy to lose sight of where your money goes each month if you can’t track it with a budget. This makes it very difficult to plan with your finances, especially if you aren’t earning a large amount of money. Hence, use a budget to look over your expenses and see what you can cut back on, or even what extra money you can save.


3. Buying Cars And Keeping Them Long-Term

This is one of the habits followed by most wealthy people. It’s a simple yet essential idea you must understand if you want to manage your money effectively.

Typically, cars lose much of their value as soon as you drive them off the lot. Many self-made millionaires do not lease cars; instead, they usually purchase a new car and hold onto it for a long time.

Long-term car owners can save money that would otherwise go toward monthly payments by using the period between car purchases. If financing is required, pay off the loan as quickly as you can, and make sure to keep the car for a long time after completing the payment.


4. Saving For Emergency

best money habits of wealthy people

It helps a lot to have a sizeable emergency fund that you can access when you need to pay for an urgent need.

A rainy-day fund that is readily accessible for withdrawals might assist you in covering unforeseen costs like urgent auto repairs or unexpected medical bills. When you are financially prepared for emergencies, you can avoid taking out a personal loan or max out your credit cards.

Ideally, you should save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. But sometimes, you can bend the rules a bit by doing what works best for your cash flow.

For example, you can start by making it a goal to save $1,000 for emergencies. When you achieve this feat, you can then aim for something higher.


5. Grabbing Investment Opportunities

Investing is one of the money habits of the wealthy. This is how they grow their income over time without putting in a large amount of work.

From stocks and bonds to exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you can choose an investment option that you believe would work best for you. You can get started by automating a monthly transfer of cash from your checking account into an investment account. Doing this is important in case you forget to manually invest.

I recommend saving around 20% of your income every month. This amount should be put toward your savings goals, emergency fund, retirement, and investments.

20% may look like a small amount of money to meet up with these financial commitments. However, it’s a realistic approach. You need to be able to afford your bills while saving and investing.


6. Taking Advantage Of Employer’s Benefits

Some companies do prioritize the well-being of their staff, and you should take advantage of this by looking over your employer’s benefit plans. Your employer might be offering more than just retirement plans to save and invest more toward your future.

When I was still in the workforce, some of the benefits I enjoyed included retirement match, life or disability insurance, legal services, and health savings accounts (HSA). Of course, I do not guarantee that your employer offers all these and more. But if you happen to have these benefits at your fingertips, you should use them to your advantage.


7. Utilizing Tax Deductions

Although this may not look like one of the money habits wealthy people practice daily, it’s a great idea to improve your finances. You can reduce the amount of money spent on tax by looking for tax breaks on investments made in retirement plans, house mortgage interest, health savings accounts, charitable giving, and other financial arrangements.

To utilize tax deductions the right way without making any terrible mistakes, it’s important to seek help from a financial and tax expert. This way, you won’t be acting based on assumptions.


8. Saving For Your Kids’ College Education

money habits wealthy people practice daily

If you want your kids to attend college, then you must have a plan to cover their education costs. It’s one of the best money habits of wealthy people.

For example, a 529 plan can help you to start saving for your kids’ future education early on. This would ease the financial burden down the road. Besides, these plans permit tax-free withdrawals for educational expenses.

You can save a significant amount of money in future cash flow and tax savings when you start building these plans early. You should also remember that the power of compound returns can benefit you greatly when you start saving very early.


9. Having Multiple Income Streams

It’s almost impossible to find a millionaire who doesn’t have more than one income stream. It is one of the common money habits of the wealthy. They diversify their investment portfolios by acquiring additional assets—starting a business, owning or investing in properties.

One key thing about adding an income stream to your finances is that it will help you earn money passively. Passive income is money earned without investing time and energy. That’s how rich people make money from different ventures and still have enough time to follow their passions and be with family.

For example, investing in properties is a great passive income idea. After your one-time investment, you just have to relax and watch your property grow in value over time and make more money for you.


10. Living Below Your Means

Do you ever look at a rich person and wonder if they truly live below their means because their lifestyle is seemingly expensive? Firstly, you need to understand that living below your means is a situation where you don’t spend beyond your financial capacity.

For instance, if you earn $10,000 every month after taxes, you can live in an apartment that costs $2,500 per month. Meanwhile, someone who earns $6,500 per month would have to look for cheaper housing.

Apparently, it’s relative. Rich folks may have a lifestyle that seems expensive to you, but that’s just them living below their means. They can conveniently maintain such a lifestyle and won’t go overboard.

So whatever stage you are with your income, ensure you aren’t living beyond your means. Always stick to your budget and spend moderately.


11. Managing Your Time

This is one of the best money habits of the wealthy because they certainly understand that time equals money. You must value your time by spending it on important things that either improve your income or well-being.

If cleaning your home will prevent you from committing to something more valuable, then bring in someone to do the cleaning.

Managing your time also means arranging your tasks/activities and prioritizing them in the right order. At the end of the day, you’ll realize that you were more productive.

Make sure you eliminate all distractions when you’re focused on important tasks. You don’t want something to steal your time and prevent you from achieving your goals earlier.


12. Acquiring Financial Knowledge

Mistakes are made where there’s a knowledge gap. If you try operating a machine without fully understanding how it works, you could damage it or end up with very poor results. So when it comes to managing your personal finance, you need insight.

From spending and saving to investing, you need to make all the right decisions. Hence, commit to learning about finances. Read insightful books, listen to podcasts, and attend events that will help you get better with money. Possessing financial skills will enable you to build a life of wealth.


Final Words: Money Habits Of Wealthy People To Make You Rich

You can see how these money habits of the wealthy can be the building blocks to creating financial success. As you strive to pay off debt, save money, and invest while affording potential mistakes, you will make a big difference in your finances.

Bear in mind that journeying on the path to becoming a self-made millionaire is not a walk in the park. It takes an exceptional level of commitment to your values and the right money habits to be wealthy someday.


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Author: Anthony Ihz

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