15 Things Rich People Do That Poor People Don’t Do

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habits of rich people that poor people don't do

It is often said that our habits shape our lives. The things you do regularly will certainly become a part of you, and they will determine the kind of future you have ahead. Rich people make money by probably investing heavily in a business or simply inheriting wealth from successful parents. However, to maintain this lifestyle you admire from afar, there are things rich people do that poor people don’t.

Do you have the self-awareness to spot your innate habits and closely monitor how you live your life? This is extremely important because the things you habitually do will determine if you’ll end up rich or poor.

I will be sharing some of the common habits of rich people that you can emulate to change your life. If you want to improve your money mindset, recognize life-changing opportunities around you, and achieve your long-term goals, then it’s time to start acting like the rich.


How Are Rich People Different From Poor People?

Rich people are different from the poor, not just because of their financial status but due to the kind of mindset they have. For instance, rich people don’t think the way poor people think. They have gradually altered their mindset to see the world differently in a way that positions them for a successful and fulfilled life.


What Do Rich People Do Differently?

There are so many things that rich people do differently. From the choice of career to how their kids are raised, rich people are intentional about making decisions that would positively impact their lives. Unfortunately, poor people are not usually programmed to live their life in this direction.

things rich people do that poor people don't do


15 Things Rich People Do That Poor People Don’t Do

You are probably eager to know the things the rich do that the poor don’t. Thankfully, knowing these things will change your mindset and how you live your life. Here are common habits and goals that you’d find a rich man clinging to:


1. The Rich Learn About Money

Rich people know how to play the “money game”. Even when there’s inflation or any economic crisis, you will find rich people still thriving. This is because they are financially educated. They constantly learn about personal finance. This helps them figure out how to invest wisely, manage their income, and achieve long-term financial goals.

Poor people are not usually interested in learning about money. They are always too occupied with thoughts about how to pay bills that they forget to tackle the problem from the root by receiving financial education.

If you want to do this differently henceforth, begin by reading personal finance books or listening to podcasts centered on personal finance.


2. Rich People Read Self-Help Books

things rich people do that poor people do not do

Bill Gates once said that he dedicates two weeks every year to reading books. This is one of the habits of rich people that poor people don’t do.

The rich don’t ever think they know it all. They are always seeking information about how the world works. They do this by reading self-help books that share valuable ideas on how to better oneself. This way, they know how to improve the quality of their lives in all ramifications.


3. Rich People Take Responsibility

One of the most common mistakes poor people make is refusing to take responsibility for their own fate. Instead, they try to blame other people or the government. The rich don’t have this type of mindset. They believe they are solely responsible for whatever life throws at them; good or bad.

Over 85% of millionaires and billionaires are self-made. This means they create their own wealth without anyone’s help. Even if your parents didn’t leave any wealth behind, that doesn’t mean you can’t be financially successful. If you are willing to spur yourself to greatness regardless of the circumstances, you will find yourself winning eventually.


4. Rich People Believe In Delayed Gratification

One of the things rich people do that poor people don’t do is sacrifice the present for the future. What this means is that rich people don’t eat their seeds. They plant it and wait patiently for a bountiful harvest.

How do you spend your salary every month? Do you exhaust everything on immediate expenses without thinking about the future? It’s high time you changed your mindset. Invest in the future by saving money in a high-yield savings account or venturing into a feasible business.

Aside from financial investments, learn to invest your time as well. You can’t always spend your time partying, playing video games, or watching movies. Spend your time doing something that would yield value in your life.


5. Rich People Care About Their Health

If you aren’t healthy, you can’t even think about being wealthy. It’s a waste of time. This is why rich people prioritize their health. They go for regular check-ups, eat healthily, and exercise frequently.

Besides, you need to be healthy and physically fit to be productive at work. Don’t ruin your health with excess sugar and fat. Eat healthy food and follow your doctor’s life. That’s how you get to live a longer and happier life filled with adventure.


6. Rich People Mingle With Successful People

things rich people do that poor people don't

The people you spend time with can impact your life positively or negatively. Rich people connect with successful people. It’s one of the ways to feel inspired and motivated.

Hanging around poor people will only limit your potential. Poor people have a belief system that supports mediocrity and self-limitation. If you don’t want this for yourself, then it’s time to change your circle of friends.

Surround yourself with people who are hungry for financial success and stability. This is one of the things rich people do that poor people don’t.


7. Rich People Don’t Abuse Credit

Poor people often pile up credit card debt. They buy expensive clothes, fancy phones, and other things that are not even relevant. By the end of the month, they have used their entire credit line and are unable to clear the balance. This is a major financial mistake rich people avoid.

Interestingly, some rich folks don’t use credit, and the ones who do, don’t abuse it. They use credit cards to buy things that would pay off in the long term. They spend on education or businesses that would yield profits. If you are not going to stop using credit cards, at least stop using the borrowed money for impulse purchases.


8. The Rich Recognize Good Opportunities

There are opportunities everywhere. It takes an observant mind and someone willing to embrace change to spot these opportunities.

Has someone ever introduced a business idea to you? Did you go ahead to do some research and find out more about the business, or did you ignore the proposal immediately? This is how poor people miss life-changing opportunities all the time.

The rich are always ready to partake in every golden opportunity. Even when it doesn’t look promising, they are willing to uncover the hidden potential. Some of the world’s biggest billionaires wouldn’t have acquired their fortune if they had ignored the opportunities that came their way earlier.


9. The Rich Always Promote What They Do

Promoting yourself is one way to be open to opportunities. This is one of the things rich people do that poor people don’t do. If you’re a business owner, always attend events where you can distribute your business cards and network with potential clients and partners. Be proud of what you do and boldly market yourself whenever you have the opportunity.

If you are not an entrepreneur, you can still promote yourself. For example, LinkedIn is an amazing social media platform where career-driven people showcase themselves. Sign up and set up your profile, putting out your qualifications and areas of expertise. You could find better employment by promoting yourself this way.


10. The Rich Build Net Worth, Not Income

Do you know the difference between income and net worth? Your income is how much you earn, while your net worth is your total asset minus total liabilities. Poor people are always worried about finding a job that pays a better salary, hoping to save enough money in a 401(k) and retire someday.

The rich think differently. They are more focused on building net worth. They do this by investing both money and time in creating assets that will serve as passive income streams. Even if they decide to stop working, they won’t stop earning money because they have an ever-growing net worth.

This is where your focus should be. Having a stable income is good, but think bigger.


11. The Rich Take Risks

Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and take the hard road? This is one of the things rich people do that poor people don’t do. It’s important to have a long-term mindset. That way, you can see beyond the present situation.

Even if the decision you are about to take won’t benefit the present, be more concerned about the future. That’s why risk-takers make big moves. If you take your eyes off the prize, you will settle for anything that life gives you. Be willing to test the waters and take risks when necessary.


12. The Rich Set Goals

Goal-setting is one of the things rich people do that poor people do not do. Do you have a strong desire to achieve something? How important is it to you? Setting goals for yourself is how you bring your dreams to life. Sometimes, you can literally write down goals to remind yourself each time you see them on that piece of paper.

Notwithstanding, there are some ground rules when it comes to setting and achieving a goal. Firstly, you have to decide if it’s a long-term or short-term goal. Second, you have to determine how feasible the goal is. Trying to actualize an unrealistic goal is a waste of time. Make sure that whatever you are chasing after is achievable.

You also need to be able to break down your goals into smaller steps. This is important so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of your goal.


13. The Rich Use A To-Do List To Stay Organized

Simple things like having a to-do list can make a huge difference. It’s one of the common things rich people do that poor people don’t do.

When you get to the office, how do you organize your tasks? How do you make sure that you get the right things done at the right time? Creating a list of all the tasks that you need to complete is a great way to start. This way, your mind won’t be divided. You can focus on one activity after the other.

More importantly, this would improve your productivity.


14. The Rich Know How To Manage Their Time

Time remains one of the most invaluable resources known to man. How you manage your time determines what you achieve and when you achieve the things you’ve set your mind to do. It’s one of the things rich people do that poor people don’t do.

Don’t waste your time doing anything that won’t be of much benefit to you. Treat your time as though it’s a diamond in the rough. Spend it on the most reasonable things you can think of. If you lose money, you could actually recover it by making even more money. But when you lose time, it’s irredeemable. You can’t get it back.


15. The Rich Don’t Play The Lottery

Have you ever spent 2 dollars on a lottery ticket? That’s one thing you won’t find a rich person doing. Playing the lottery is a waste of money because the odds are not in your favor. You could spend thousands of dollars for several years without getting lucky. That’s how the game works.

Rather than splurge your income on lottery tickets, why not invest the money in something profitable? Of course, you can’t invest $2 or $3 in a venture. But if you save $2 daily, that’s $730. In two years, you’d have $1,460. Now this is a reasonable amount of money that can be put toward a legit investment.


Recap: Things Rich People Do That Poor People Don’t Do

Poor people aren’t actually poor because they love being financially disadvantaged. It’s never their intention to struggle for money. However, a famous billionaire said, “If you are born poor, it’s not your fault. But if you die poor, it’s your fault”.

As long as you’re alive, you always have the opportunity to turn your life around for good. Be very hungry for success, and let nothing stop you from getting it. Seeing how this post has explained the different things rich people do that poor people don’t do, you have no excuse to keep making the same mistakes you’ve made in the past. It’s time to step up and make a change.


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things the rich do that the poor don't

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Author: Anthony Ihz

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