30 Fun Things To Do At A Sleepover That Are Free

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free things to do at a sleepover

Going for a sleepover can be exciting. It’s a beautiful opportunity to spend time with the friends you care about, playing games and doing a lot of fun activities before dawn. But interestingly, this special evening meeting with your friends can be boring if you don’t know some of the fun things to do at a sleepover.

This post is going to share more than enough ideas for your next sleepover party. But here is the best part: you won’t be spending any money to organize these sleepover activities because they are free.

So basically, if you are looking for a way to save money or cut down on costs when having sleepovers with your friends, you’ll find the ideas here very helpful. There are numerous exciting things to do at a sleepover that won’t cost a dime. Let’s get straight into these fun activities without wasting time.


How To Have Fun For Free At A Sleepover

If you want to have fun at a sleepover for free, the first thing you must do is think like a child to zero the option of ever spending money that fateful evening. Then think about ways kids have fun without money. They play games, tell stories, draw pictures, etc. These activities can make your slumber party a memorable one for free.

things to do at a sleepover


30 Fun Things To Do At A Sleepover That Are Free

If you are seriously chasing savings goals, it’s important to avoid spending money unnecessarily, as often as possible. Now, when having a sleepover, you actually have to develop fun ideas that can keep you and your friends occupied throughout the evening without anyone getting bored and spending money.

Thankfully, this post will introduce you to some of the best sleepover activities you can do for free. Here are 30 ideas for you to explore.


Fun Things To Do At A Sleepover

Want to have a lot of fun at a sleepover? Here are interesting things to do:


1. Camp Inside

You can set up camping gear indoors if the weather outside isn’t friendly.

Your friends should bring their blankets and sleeping bags. Create your little tent in the sitting room and just act like you’re actually camping outdoors.

If you need to roast marshmallows, that shouldn’t be a problem. You can melt some in the microwave oven, and it would still feel like you roast them in real fire.


2. Bake

creative things to do at a sleepover

Baking is always fun. The process of mixing your dough, taking it to the oven, and watching your bread or cake bake into a yummy snack is very exciting.

For your next sleepover, you can bake a chocolate cake or prepare an apple pie. Most of the ingredients you need for this should be in your kitchen.


3. Prepare Hot Chocolate

During winter, nothing makes you more cozy at night than a delicious cup of hot chocolate.

Before your guests arrive, prepare all the items you need: mugs, sprinkles, whipped cream, and maybe marshmallows. If you don’t want to go through much stress, you can use a pre-made hot chocolate mix.


4. Build A Pillow Fort

This is one classic sleepover idea I still remember. Get as many blankets as you can and drape them over arranged chairs and furniture to create a cute hideaway for you and your guests.

To make your fort beautiful and more exciting, you can use string lights to give it some glowy effect.


Free Things To Do At A Sleepover

There are many exciting ways to enjoy a sleepover without spending money. Here are some free things to do at a sleepover you should know about:


5. Play Board Games

things to do at a sleepover with friends

I’ve always been a big fan of board games. I love how it pushes you to strategize and rely on your brain power to win the opponent. If your friends are in for board games, it’s one of the best ways to entertain yourself.

Gather around a table, choose your favorite game, and make sure you explain the rules to all players. You can also ask each of your friends to bring a game along so you all can have options.


6. Host A Spa Night

As ladies, this is one of the best things to do at a sleepover. Have fun with your guests by helping them relax with a DIY spa night. The basic items you need for this include a facemask, robe, and slippers. Laze the night away sipping fruit juice while allowing your skin to relax from the spa treatment.


7. Manicures

Giving each other manicures is another interesting way to have fun with your female friends at a sleepover. Besides, if you have never used nail polish to beautify your fingernails, this is an opportunity to test your skills. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Remember, you’re just having fun.


8. Make DIY Sundaes

Do you and your friends have a sweet tooth? Ask everyone to make their own sundae. Don’t forget that this won’t be complete without ice scream. If you can, you can also add toppings chocolate, sprinkles, whipped cream, caramel sauce, etc.


9. Do A Blind Test

A blind test is a game where you’re told to taste different foods, drinks, or condiments and guess what they are while wearing a blindfold. It’s one of the cheap things to do at a sleepover. However, ensure you don’t give your friends something gross to taste. You don’t want to ruin the night.


Creative Things To Do At A Sleepover

Want to explore your creativity and do something entertaining? Here are some creative activities to do at a sleepover:


10. Host A Talent Show

Everyone has a talent. It could be singing, playing an instrument, drawing pictures, making card tricks, or dancing. Organize an interesting talent show where each of your friends shows how talented they are.

Anyone with the most impressive talent can get candies as a reward at the end of the show.


11. Pajama Fashion Show

Create a runaway (maybe in your sitting room) where you and your friends can show off your sleeping attire. You can make things more exciting by turning on some music while you all try to see who’s bearing the best pajama.


12. Make DIY Sleep Masks

This is one of the best creative things to do at a sleepover.

Decorate sleeping masks with any materials you can find in your room. If you can’t find fabric, you can even use paper and crayons to make your sleeping masks. Remember you’re just creating it for fun just for the night.


13. Tye Dye Shirts

One of the creative ways to make beautiful memories with your friends is by tye dyeing shirts together. Ask everyone to bring a plain white T-shirt while you must have prepared rubber bands and bottles of tye dye to design the clothes.

Bear in mind that this is one activity you want to have outdoors to avoid making a mess in your home.


14. Make Your Own Jewelry

Have you thought about crafting your own jewelry? It’s one of the most productive and fun things to do at a sleepover.

Allow each of your friends to decide the specific piece they want to create. It doesn’t matter if it’s a necklace, ring, or beaded bracelet. The best part is that these items can be kept as a reminder of the beautiful sleepover you had together.


Scary Things To Do At A Sleepover

If you and your friends are a fan of creepy activities, here are some scary things to do at a sleepover:


15. Play Bl##dy Mary

This game is simple but can be very scary. Each person is expected to go into a room alone, turn off the light, and face a mirror saying “Bl##dy Mary” three times. Apparently, this Bl##dy Mary is supposed to “appear” in the mirror after her name has been mentioned multiple times.

Even though we don’t know how real this is, some kids claim to have seen her and that she looks like a w#tch.


16. Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board

This game requires one person to lie on the floor facing upward, while other friends around place two fingers at the same time underneath the person. Then, everyone should repeatedly chant “light as a feather, stiff as a board”. It is said that whoever’s lying on the floor would levitate.

Do you think this can work? There’s only one way to find out!


17. The Midnight Game

This is another creepy activity and one of the crazy things to do at a sleepover.

To play this game, each participant will write their full name on a piece of paper and leave it on a wooden floor. The next thing is to place a lit candle on each piece of paper and knock on a door 22 times before midnight. Then, blow off the candle and open the door. By doing this, you have let “The Midnight Man” into the world.

To protect yourself from him, you must sprinkle salt around yourself.


18. Ouija Board

The Ouija board is seen as a way of communicating with the dead. The board is covered with several numbers and letters. Players are expected to place their hands on the board’s pointer and say anything they want to a loved one who is dead. If the spirit is close, it will answer by moving the board’s pointer to spell out a response.


19. The Triple Mirror Game

To play this game, you have to place a lit candle on the floor with the door shut. Then, you are to arrange three mirrors in front of the door, making sure that each mirror reflects the door. After this arrangement, rumor has it that you and your friends will see glimpses of a gh#st in the room.

There’s no denying that this is one of the scariest things to do at a sleepover.


Things To Do At A Sleepover With Friends

As long as you’re with friends, there’s no reason for you not to have a fun sleepover. Here are some interesting things to do at a sleepover with friends to make your evening unforgettable:


20. Play Celebrity

To play celebrity, share yourselves in two groups and tell everyone to write the name of a celebrity they know. Then one person from the first team is going to try and help the next team guess the name of a celebrity by giving clues without saying the celebrity’s name.

The game is done in rounds. So for each round, one person gets the chance to help their team guess the celebrity correctly.


21. Make Personalized Pillowcases

Making personalized pillowcases is one of the fun things to do at a sleepover with your friends.

Use fabric markers to design your nicknames on a plain white pillowcase. You can design the entire fabric by making creative patterns all over. The following day, everyone goes home with their designed pillowcase.


22. Play Fact Or Fiction

Fact or fiction is a fun game where you try to guess if your friend is telling the truth or not. If you think something is true, you say, “fact”. If you think it isn’t true, you say, “fiction”. Make sure everyone gets a turn to play, asking the rest of you whether something is true or not.


23. Do Blindfold Makeovers

Have you tried applying makeup on someone while wearing a blindfold? You’d probably make a huge mess, but that’s where the fun is.

Get some makeup items and have someone volunteer to be the model. Then, someone who’s blindfolded has to try and put the makeup on whoever has chosen to be the model. The worst makeup artist should be crowned the winner.


24. Make Mini Pizzas

Instead of ordering takeouts for the night, why not enjoy homemade mini pizza? It’s one of the fun things to do at a sleepover with your friends.

Grab some pita bread and get tomato sauce to spread all over. Add your cheese and topping, allowing the pizza to bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 218 °C. Enjoy your baked pizza with fruit juice or hot chocolate.


Things To Do When You Are Bored At A Sleepover

Sleepovers are not supposed to make you bored. Here are some of the best sleepover ideas to drive boredom away:


25. Have A Water Balloon Fight

Would you like to see who among your friends can go undefeated in a water balloon fight? This should be one of the main activities during your next sleepover.

Get at least two dozen balloons and fill them up with water. Share the water balloons among your friends and toss them at yourself around the yard. Whoever gets hit the most loses.


26. Go Stargazing

This is one of the most peaceful and relaxing things to do at a sleepover. Head outside with your guests at night to look at the sky and count as many stars as you can. This is also a great opportunity to look out for shooting stars. Don’t hesitate to make a wish when you spot one.


27. Make A DIY Photobooth

Capture beautiful moments with your buddies by making a photo booth. Usually, you can quickly create an amateur photobooth by setting up a white sheet and some streamers. Add a few props around like straw hats and fake mustaches to improve the appearance. Then, you can snap all the pictures you want until you get tired.


28. Sing Karaoke

You don’t have to be a fantastic singer to recreate your favorite songs. Get a karaoke machine and sing your heart out like no one is watching. Of course, each of your friends should get an opportunity to sing along to their favorite songs too and maybe duet with you.

As a fan of music, this is one of the best things to do when you are bored at a sleepover.


29. Play Exquisite C#rpse

Exquisite C#rpse is a very fun game you can play with your guests.

Get a sheet of paper and fold it into thirds. Hand it over to someone and have them draw the head of a supposed human being, and then give the paper to the next person. Have that person draw the torso, and then hand the paper to the third person to draw the legs.

By the time you unfold all three sides of the paper, you should have a ridiculous drawing with mish-mashed body parts.


Final Words: Fun Things To Do At A Sleepover For Free

Now that you know all the fun and exciting things to do at a sleepover for free, the next slumber party you will have with your friends can’t be boring. However, it’s important you know that one of the unwritten rules to having an exciting sleepover is making sure that everyone agrees with the activities you choose.

All the games and fun things you have prepared to do should be ideas every other person is enthusiastic about. That way, you can all have fun equally!


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fun things to do at a sleepover

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Author: Anthony Ihz

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