41 Fun & Free Things To Do This Summer

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free summer activities

Free things to do this summer.

Growing up, we always looked forward to doing exciting things during summer. It just feels more perfect than other seasons of the year. Summer 2024 will be here soon. As much as you are excited about the fun things you’d like to do, don’t forget you may have to curb your spending.

From hosting game nights to attending local festivals, I have compiled a list of various free things to do this summer for entertainment. These activities won’t cost you any money, and they can help you create the best memories yet.

If you look forward to enjoying summer with your friends and family, it’s time to write out all the free summer activities you don’t want to miss this year.


How Can I Enjoy Summer With No Money?

You can enjoy summer with no money by focusing on completely free activities that are fun and interesting. For example, attending free local events, watching the latest TV shows from home, and playing sports are exciting summer activities that won’t cost you any money.

free things to do this summer


41 Fun & Free Things To Do This Summer

You don’t always have to go on vacation when it’s summer; spending a ton of money on hotels, food, flight tickets, and a lot more. There are so many simple activities that you can enjoy without taking out your credit card or making that wire transfer. Below are over 40 free things to do this summer to save money and have fun.


Free Things To Do In The Summer

If you want to make the most of summer 2024 without breaking your budget, here are some amazing ideas for you to look at:


1. Tour Your City

free things to do in the summer at home

I used to think I knew every nook and cranny of my city until I decided to actually take a look. I took a tour, visiting different towns and landmarks that I hadn’t been exposed to. It was really exciting. You could do the same this summer. There must be some fascinating things you don’t know about your city until you move around during a tour.


2. Go For A Hike

free things to do in the summer outdoors

This is one of the common free things to do in the summer. Take a walk around nature. Head to the woods and simply enjoy that fresh air that saturates the trees. This is a special exercise in Japan known as a “forest bathing trip.” You can also take a quick walk to the national state parks or even the local trail.


3. Participate In Local Run

Does your town have a 5k fun run this summer? You should consider participating. It’s one of the free things to do in the summer holidays. Aside from the fun, this is a good exercise that your body needs to stay physically fit and healthy.


4. Climb A Tree

I used to climb trees a lot as a teenager. I really enjoy watching myself stay several feet off the ground. If you want to enjoy the warm weather this summer, you might want to hang on to a tree branch. It’s such a great way to relive childhood.


5. Try Photography

best free things to do this summer

Last summer, I decided to try something different – photography. I didn’t have to buy a camera. My smartphone has a very bright camera. I began taking pictures of nature; trees, birds, rainbow, you name it. It was fun. This summer, you might want to become a self-taught photographer, capturing beautiful moments with your lens.


6. Learn An Instrument

Summer can also be a great opportunity for you to learn an instrument. If you have ever wanted to play the guitar, piano, saxophone, or drums, then you should get some lessons this year. Mind you, there’s no need to hire a private teacher. That would actually cost money. You can learn an instrument by watching free tutorials on YouTube.


7. Join A Meetup Group

Have you considered joining a meetup group? It’s one of the free summer activities that could ignite your social life. Your meetups could be concerned with anything interesting. You could go to the library, local park, or beach and just have fun.


Free Things To Do In The Summer At Home

I enjoy spending time at home. I find the chance to relax deeply and reflect on different areas of my life. If you don’t intend to leave your home this summer, here are some interesting activities you can do:


8. Set Up A Sprinkler

Do you fancy some water fun but can’t afford to get a pool membership? You can set up sprinklers in your yard instead. You don’t have to do this alone. Call some old friends and have fun over cocktails.


9. Have A Decluttering Challenge

If you care about the things you keep in your home, then you should find this interesting. All the unwanted or messy items eating up space don’t have to be in your apartment forever. Use this summer as an opportunity to clear them out. It’s one of the common free things to do in the summer at home.


10. Rearrange Your Closet

Your clothing items sometimes need rearrangement in order for you to always appear nice. Take out any old clothing that doesn’t look good on you anymore, and arrange your closet in a way that makes it easier for you to pick the right outfits.


11. Plant A Garden

If your backyard is pretty spacious, you might want to grow your own garden this summer. As long as the space gets enough sunlight, planting a garden is a fun way to keep yourself busy all summer. Besides, you will eventually enjoy fresh herbs and veggies when your garden is ripe.


12. Create Your Own Slip n’ Slide

This is one of the fun free things to do this summer at home. Wake up the inner child in you by creating your own slip n’ slide. Get running water over the tarps for a wet and slippery slide. When the sun is out, this is a very exciting way to have fun.


13. Make Your Own Popsicles

How do you cope during the hot summer days? Of course, you need to digest something chilled. Why not make some popsicles instead of buying them? Aside from the mold, you don’t really need to find anything else.

Just get some fruit juice, fresh fruit, and yogurt to make your own delicious popsicles. Consider it one of the fun things to do this summer.


14. Host A Movie Night

Hosting a movie night is an interesting way to spend your Sunday evening. Get everyone dressed in pajamas, get your snacks and drinks, and find that perfect movie that the entire house can enjoy together. This is certainly on my list of best free things to do this summer.


Free Things To Do In The Summer Outdoors

One of the reasons some people look forward to enjoying summer is due to the weather. You could go outdoors and bask in the fresh, sunny atmosphere. Here are some of the best free things to do in the summer outdoors:


15. Bike Around Town

Do you have a bike? Find a local trail to move around town. Travel a few kilometers and return home to have a cool shower. This is also a form of physical exercise; in case you don’t know.


16. Enjoy A Sport

Many of us played sports in high school. From basketball to baseball, there’s one game we certainly enjoyed at the time. Although it’s been a very long time since you participated in any sports event, you can relive those moments this summer. Take what gear you can find and set up a playground in your backyard.


17. Volunteer For Your Community

Although volunteer work is free, it makes you feel good knowing that you are contributing selflessly to a good cause.

As a volunteer for your community, you do carry out duties like delivering food to older folks, cleaning up your neighborhood, or helping to restock your local community fridge. This could be one of the best things to do this summer.


18. Have Fun On The Playground

When was the last time you played like a kid on the playground? You can do that this summer. As adults, we have a lot of issues that constantly bother us. This is why it’s important to free your mind and unwind sometimes. Go to the playground and have fun like you’ve got no troubles in the world.


19. Visit Free Museums

There are so many fascinating artifacts to see in museums. If you have a free museum in your area, take the opportunity to check it out. This is one of the things a lot of Americans do during summer.


20. Have A Date With Your Pet

Spending a day with your pet might be what you need to have a great time. Visit the beach, dog park, or any open area where your pet can run around and have fun. You don’t need to always lock them indoors. Outings like this can improve how your pet interacts with strangers.


21. Meet With An Old Friend

free things to do in the summer with friends

One of the unique free things to do this summer is catching up with an old friend. Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget some special people that have been there for us in the past.

Take your phone and call or text an old friend. You can have a long conversation over the phone or decide to meet physically.


Free Things To Do In The Summer With Friends

Want to enjoy this summer with your friends without spending money? Here are several ideas for your to explore:


22. Have A Picnic

fun things to do this summer

Bringing your friends together for a picnic is a great way to connect with each other and have fun. You can hit the beach close to you or visit the park in your area. Make some sandwiches, get drinks, and enjoy a relaxing time in the open space with your buddies.


23. Host A Bake-Off

During summer, you can call up your friends to initiate a bake-off. This should be a friendly competition guided by a few simple rules.

For example, everyone can be allowed to only use the ingredients on hand. It doesn’t matter who wins or loses. You’d get a delicious treat at the end after everyone must have had fun during the challenge.


24. Go On A Scavenger Hunt

This is one of the free summer outdoor activities to do with friends. There are tons of scavenger hunt ideas that would help you create the perfect experience with your friends. Gather everyone together, set prizes, and spend a few hours to see who has the best hunting skills.


25. Write Letters And Send Postcards

Reach out to some dear friends by sending colorful letters filled with thoughtful words. Let your friends know how special they are in your life. If you don’t have stationary to write these letters, just make yours. It’s very simple.


26. Start A Fundraiser Or Charity Event

Contributing to the betterment of a community is such a great feeling. This is something that can even be more exciting when you involve your friends.

Organize a charity event and raise funds for people in need. From dance marathons to music concerts, there are various events you can set up to achieve this. It’s one of the free things to do in the summer with friends.


27. Attend Free Festivals

There are so many festivals held during summer. It could be music, fashion, or something entirely different. Some of these events are paid, while some don’t require any gate fee. If you know of any free festival coming up this summer, then make arrangements with your friends to attend.


28. Play Board Games

Do you have board games that have been abandoned and covered in dust? It’s time to bring them out and have fun with your friends.

Invite them to your home, grab some snacks, and play each of these games until you get tired. You should include this on your list of free things to do this summer.


Free Summer Activities For Families

It would be sad to let summer go by without spending quality time with your spouse and kids. Here are some free summer activities for families you should keep in mind:


29. Camp In Your Backyard

free summer activities for families

As a kid, I used to go camping with my dad. We didn’t leave our home for a far-off location. We camped in our backyard, and it was still fun. Find some camping supplies, pitch a tent, and spend the evening like you are in the wilderness.


30. Watch A Family Drama Series

One of the fun things you can do together as a family is watch drama series. Nickelodeon used to have a lot of interesting drama series and sitcoms that the whole family watched.

During weekends, turn on your TV, bring everyone to the sitting room, and enjoy family-friendly content.


31. Hold A Garage Sale

This is something many American families do occasionally, especially during summer.

Are there items in your home that you may not need anymore? As long as these things are not completely damaged, you can sell them at a giveaway price. Hold a garage sale and make extra money from the junk in your basement.


32. Learn About Your Town’s History

Do you have any historical buildings in your town? Are there any battlefields? Has any famous individual lived in your town? These are things you might want to learn about if you want to know your town better. Moreover, carry your family along in this research. Everyone ought to know the history.


33. Create A Recent Photo Album

One of the cheap things to do this summer with your family is putting together beautiful photos of everyone. There’s no better way to preserve the past than capturing it in pictures. Doing this together as a family can strengthen your relationship as you stare at certain pictures and reminisce on the beautiful moments you’ve shared.


34. Prepare A Meal Together

cheap things to do this summer

Cooking together as a family can be fun. It’s an opportunity to learn a few things about cooking. Everyone might have an opinion about how the meal should be prepared. After cooking, you all can enjoy the meal while acknowledging everyone’s effort in the kitchen.


35. Go For A Road Trip

Taking your family on a road trip is one of the free things to do this summer. This should be a recreational excursion away from home. Pack a few supplies and get everyone in the car for an intriguing experience on the road. If you happen to own an RV, then the trip can’t be more perfect.


Free Things To Do With Kids This Summer

Kids always want to have fun during summer. If you are going to provide them with all the fun they ask for, you must be careful not to break the bank. Hence, here are some of the free things to do with kids this summer:


36. Build A Sand Castle

Whenever kids head to the beach, they always remember to build a sand castle. You don’t have to actually go to the beach to build one with your child. All you need is sand, and you should have plenty of that in your backyard.

Allow your kids to show you how creative they are in constructing “pretty” castles with dirt.


37. Stargaze

I still get intrigued by how bright the stars are. Then imagine what goes through the minds of kids when they look up and stare at the countless number of shiny stars. Stargazing is one of the free things to do this summer with your kids.


38. Visit A Zoo

Another exciting thing you can do for your kids this summer is take them to a zoo near you. Of course, most zoos will require you to pay a small amount of money before you can have access. That shouldn’t be a problem if you have previously budgeted for it. There’s no denying your kids will be fascinated by the various animals they get to see live.


39. Bake Together

I still haven’t forgotten how I used to break bread with my grandmother. This memory is something I cherish, and it’s stuck with me. Baking with kids is an interesting way to spend time with them. They probably don’t even know how to bake a pie, but the little help they render while you do all the work matters a lot.


40. Create Artworks

One of the free summer activities to do with children is creating artwork or handmade crafts. Children have very creative minds. They just need some guidance to create something truly beautiful. Help your kids create their first artwork. It could be a painting or anything that allows them to explore their creative ability.


41. Play Video Games

Playing video games is such a fun-filled activity. Most kids would love to do this with you. Besides, you don’t need to own a PlayStation 5 in order to enjoy a video game. There are interesting games you can download for free on your smartphone via the App store. It doesn’t have to be complicated; it’s one of the free summer things to do.


42. Have Your Kids Swap Clothes

Having your kids switch up clothes with each other can be a different level of fun. On the other hand, this is an interesting way to teach your kids to love each other. You can only share stuff with someone when you love and care about that person.

Remember this as one of the free things to do this summer.


Final Words: Fun And Free Things To Do This Summer

Do you have any plans in mind for summer 2024? If you don’t, I believe this post has shared enough ideas that can help you have a fabulous experience when summer eventually comes. Whether you want to spend time with your friends and family or you want to be alone indoors, there are so many activities for you to enjoy.

Notwithstanding, if there are some free things to do this summer that this post was unable to mention, you can share your thoughts about them in the comments.


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free things to do in the summer

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Author: Anthony Ihz

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